
Kickboxing is a mixed sport that combines the sharpness and agility of boxing with the intensity of cardio. Recently, kickboxing is becoming an interesting sport and is very popular with young people. So what is kickboxing? Is this the right sport for you? Let's answer this question with LEEP.APP.

What is kickboxing exercise?

Kickboxing is a combat sport that combines powerful kicks from karate, agile moves from  Muay Thai,  and aerobics. This combination aims to improve fitness so that the practitioner can exercise cardiovascular health, while enhancing overall body firmness.

Also, kickboxing is basically a term used to describe a number of sports that include a mix of kicks and punches. Pardel Serey from Cambodia, Lethwei from Burma, yaw-yan from the Philippines, laotian muay from Laos, Mushti Yudha from India, Savate from France and muay Thai are extremely popular sports that are all forms of kickboxing.

The history of kickboxing

One of the earliest origins of kickboxing can be traced back to the Indochinese martial art form Muay Boran which evolved into modern muay thai. However, in the 1950s, Japanese karateka Tatsuo Yamada first established an outline of a new sport that combined karate and muay thai.

In 1970, kickboxing came to America and slowly spread to parts of Europe. At this time kickboxing became popular and began to be recognized as a sport when American Karate experts organized a competition for this subject. Competitions between karate and muay thai, allowing for a rule change, led to kickboxing competition events being held in Osaka.

Karate was officially separated from kickboxing with the formation of the Professional Karate Association (PKA) in 1974 and the World Kickboxing Association (WKA) in 1976. They were the first martial arts organization on a worldwide scale. requirements to sanction battles, create rating systems and establish a development program.

The rules of kickboxing vary largely depending on their origins and adaptations. There are full contact rules, semi-contact rules and international or free rules that define how you attack your opponent.

9 reasons why kickboxing has become a popular sport

Not only a competitive sport, kickboxing is now considered a body training habit of many people. Some of the top Victoria's Secret models have added kickboxing to their workout routines. Here are the top 9 reasons why kickboxing is so  beneficial  for you and your body.

1. Burn a lot of energy

Kickboxing helps burn 520 to 800 calories per hour of exercise. The difference depends on your weight and exercise. The highest number of calories burned when combined with cardio exercises.

2. Lose fat around 2 quickly

Kickboxing has an extremely strong impact on muscle groups as well as the waist and hips of the practitioner. Therefore, compared to other sports, kickboxing  burns more calories  than the same training period. You'll be ready to show off a flat stomach soon!

3. Helps keep the cardiovascular system healthy

Kickboxing  exercises are advanced  cardio exercises. This helps push you to push your limits. Cardio is a way to help your heart get exercise every day and get stronger.

4. Improve physical fitness

During the exercise, you are required to perform punches and kicks hundreds of times. These movements work all major muscle groups in the body including the upper and lower body.

5. Increase the ability to concentrate

Kickboxing movements are a high-level combination of hands and eyes. You always have to observe the opponent's movement and position change, thereby combining hand movements to promptly counterattack. Over time, the practitioner will gradually increase the ability to focus and coordinate hands and eyes.

6. Stress relief

Staying focused while exercising leaves you with no time to be preoccupied with any other thoughts. The practitioner's mind is at ease during the practice.

7. Raise your limits

Kickboxing will help raise your limits to a higher level is one of the factors that help you win over your opponents. This gradually increases your fighting instincts and stamina.

8. Never boring

You can get bored with regular jogging or cycling because there is nothing new after a period of practice. Meanwhile, for kickboxing, you keep learning new punches and techniques so you can perform better every day.

9. Increase self-confidence

A large amount of endorphins are released in the body when you punch a sandbag or train with an opponent. This substance gives you a feeling of well-being and increases self-confidence.

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