
1. What is Boxing? What is the origin and history of Boxing?

Boxing  or boxing or boxing is a martial art as well as a combat sport between two people, using punches combined with moving legs, head and torso. For martial arts and sports aspects, Boxing is a way to practice and compete to help you train your health and experience extremely good combat. Practitioners use gloves and have dental pads (tooth protectors) during exercise to protect the body's safety.

According to documents, this sport comes from the West, has a long time appearing in sports festivals around the world and is now recognized as an official sport as well as being recognized as a sport. Practice extensively like any other exercise in life.

Up to now, no one has been able to indicate the exact time that Boxing - Boxing was born. People often know landmarks such as:

  • Around 4,000 BC in North Africa.
  • Around 1,500 BC in the Mediterranean.
  • Around 900 BC in Greece.
  • Around 500 AD in Rome.
  • Around 3,700 BC in Mesopotamie - Ancient Greece.

2. What is the important feature of Boxing?

With anything new, there will be many things you can learn, find out. There are important things in Boxing that practitioners need to grasp well to master the skill.

According to training experts, the important thing in Boxing is your feet. This is said to be when you have a strong hold to create a powerful punch.

Therefore, when practicing Boxing, you should pay attention to the footwork, standing posture, moving and dodging to quickly master the fight.

If in other sports, regular water intake is very important and requires more water, while Boxing is said to use the least amount of water when practicing. Usually, boxers drink a little water to relieve a dry throat instead of drinking a lot of water like other sports.

Another thing you need to keep in mind is that boxing is an injury-prone subject, especially in the facial area, so it requires the practitioner to have courage and endure pain. But that applies to those who compete professionally, and if you are a regular practitioner, you can still practice comfortably under the guidance of a coach.

3. Some basic techniques in Boxing

In boxing there are a number of techniques that you need to learn to perform properly. These are supposed to be basic boxing techniques, easy to do and foundational, for example:

  • Posture : Usually in boxing, there are 3 positions: standing upright, slightly crouched and maximally bent. You need to stand firmly with feet equal to or wider than shoulder width, feet in front of feet for balance, arms bent at an angle from 45 to 90 degrees, hands in front of hands behind, hands low and arms high (defensive or offensive). ), eyes looking straight ahead, observing the opponent...
  • Punch : There are several boxing techniques as follows you can learn such as straight punch, horizontal hook punch, straight back punch, reverse hook punch… The punches are all done when you get close to the opponent. method, the closer it is, the more effective it is.
  • Attacking, defensive posture : You can combine both attack and defense with using one hand to attack and the other to defend, in some cases, defend with both hands to cover your face. In the process of training or fighting, it is necessary to coordinate smoothly between attack and defense, paying attention to the foot that needs to be steady.

4. What are the benefits of boxing training?

Boxing brings many good effects to the body, helping you live healthier every day. Here are the effects of Boxing when you pursue this subject:

4.1. Strong body

When you pursue a sport, it will also help the body work better, the muscle group becomes more toned. Experts say that boxing also mobilizes strength from the toes, calves, inner thighs, outer thighs, hips, thereby stimulating these areas to develop.

In the process of training almost all parts, parts of the body are involved in training. In which, the arm muscles, leg muscles, chest shoulder muscles work the most to help the body become muscular and strong for men and firmer and slimmer in women.

4.2. Increase self-defense

Boxing does not stop at a sport, it is also a martial art. Boxers can compete in professional tournaments as well as in major Olympics.

When you practice boxing, you will also learn the skills of fighting and defending against the opponent. You will improve your self-defense ability in real combat, being able to protect yourself and those around you if you encounter a difficult situation.

4.3. Improve body shape, physique

Boxing is one of the ways to help you lose excess fat, consume calories to make your body more balanced and toned.

You can become leaner with more pronounced muscles when training hard in boxing. This is also the most effective way to burn calories when the body has to work regularly, continuously with control from the brain to the limbs.

4.4. Increased agility and flexibility

Boxing you need to practice with another person, so in the process of fighting, it requires the practitioner to have a quick reaction, good handling and reflexes. This will stimulate your agility and flexibility. For example, you need to dodge the opponent's attacks, judge which direction the opponent will attack.

When practicing for a long time, the body will also form a natural reflex as a perception even in real combat. The practitioner will also see the body becoming more active.

4.5. Tough, durable

Regular boxing practice is also a way to help you become more flexible. Regular exercise helps your body to endure better, maintain better fitness and not get tired easily.

When muscle groups are worked on a more regular basis, the body becomes more flexible, reducing inertia and skeletal muscle groups are also lubricated, working more smoothly.

4.6. Good for heart

Practicing boxing every day is like an effective Cardio exercise to increase cardiovascular activity to help blood circulation better.

Practice for a period of time, you will find that you breathe more, the heart contracts more to transfer oxygen and nutrients to the body organs.

Studies show that regular boxing exercises help blood vessel walls have better elasticity, stimulate blood circulation to different parts of the body, limit the formation of blood clots, and prevent strokes. cerebrovascular accident, myocardial infarction.

4.7. Reduce stress, stress

If your day is too tiring because of work pressure, family problems or something annoying, then choose a form of exercise like boxing. When you exercise, the body will produce endorphins that make the body excited and reduce stress and fatigue.

You can effectively relieve stress through boxing, as a way to channel anger and stress into your punches.

5. Who should practice Boxing the best?

Boxing, if viewed from the perspective of a sport, anyone can practice if they love it, have passion and focus on pursuing it. You can practice with a coach to guide you from the very first steps with many new and unfamiliar things.

If you practice boxing to compete professionally, you need to determine a persistent training spirit, dedicate yourself to this subject as well as ensure the most scientific nutritional regime.

However, for people with chronic diseases or unusual health problems, it is still advisable to consult a doctor before exercising to be safest.

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